How to Get Our Structures Approved by Your HOA

Many homeowners in mountain towns long for the self-sufficiency of a greenhouse or need the extra storage space of a shed. However, those who reside within subdivisions may find themselves up against the somewhat stringent rules of their HOA (Home Owners’ Association). Covenants are put into place to maintain a certain aesthetic in an area where people are living in close proximity to each other. This means, occasionally, covenants may discourage outbuildings, other than those included in your original home plans.

We’ve run into this with a few homeowners and have a great deal of expertise working within HOA rules.

Below are some suggested steps you can take to make one of our structures meet your covenant’s by-laws:

Step 1: Before deciding on a structure, obtain a copy of your subdivision’s covenants or by-laws. Note any stipulations for outbuildings, greenhouses, or if you’re looking to raise chickens, livestock regulations.

Step 2: If outbuildings are allowed, we can help you gather the information you need to present your idea to your subdivision board. Take into account the need of the structure, as well as the general hardiness of our outbuildings. HOA boards will be more accommodating if you explain the need for a greenhouse in our high-altitude environment. It’s also great to explain how Growhuts differ from kit greenhouses, as they are constructed to withstand snow loads and harsh mountain weather.

Step 3: Present your plans to your HOA board. Make sure you note the size of the outbuilding you want to purchase, the location on your property, and its use.

Step 4: Mindfully discuss your future purchase with your closest neighbors. Be cognizant of their placement suggestions, while at the same time, making sure that you are following any subdivision setback policies and view impingement details.

Step 5: If you’re having trouble getting your HOA to pass a stand-alone greenhouse, we can discuss custom options that can be added to your home. Sometimes, approaching a greenhouse as an addition to your home will honor the regulations of your HOA. We are happy to provide detailed building plans, complete with measurements and specs.

Remember, we are here to help you work with your HOA. If at any point in the process you run into snags, we can come up with a workaround (in most cases). Let us customize your structure so that it suits your needs and appeases your neighbors, as well.

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